Light Emitting Diode

Awarded winning LUXEON LED’s – technical innovation
Quality LED light sources are one of the most important parts of LED luminaire. In our LED lighting products we are using only top quality, award winning LUXEON Rebel LEDs, which deliver one of the best efficacy, color quality, light output and one of the longest life time expectancies. LUXEON LEDs exceed ENERGY STAR® requirements, contain no mercury or lead, and are RoHS and REACH Compliant.

•    Technical Innovation Award
Lightfair 2009
•    Technical Excellence Award
Lightfair 2007
•    Best of Category: Specialty Lamps
Lightfair 2007



LED GENION BARS™ – optimized LED modules

Through our special treatment method, we customize Luxeon Rebel LEDs and merge them into our specially engineered patented LED modules – LED GENION bars™ where every single LED position is precisely calculated and positioned under certain angles.
LED GENION bars™ exploit every LED source to the fullest extent and function in synergy with other crucial components of luminaire in order to achieve the best possible illumination results.